How Social Media is Destroying Our Life?

When people are spending lot more time on social media than with their friends and families, people are actually destroying their life due to social media. They spend so much time on social media that they don't get the chance to maintain better relation with their loved ones in personal.
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Negative Effects of Social Media:
If you are using social media excessive here are the problem you might face
1) Due to excessive use of smartphones and laptops it have cause eye problem.
2) It causes negative psychological problem like anxiety, depression, insomnia etc.
3) People are not able to focus on productive things.
4) People are not able to spend time with their loved ones.
5) Teenagers falls in various kind of traps.
6) The privacy of people is ruined due to social media as people share excessive about their personal life.

How to Overcome those:
If you are facing theses problem here is how you can solve them
1) Using various website to monitor and control your use of social media.
2) Using social media only in spare time.
3) Prioritizing work and family before social media.
4) Sometime deactivating social media for some period like week or months.
5) Unfollowing page that shows in appropriate contents.

Keywords: facebook life, negative effects of social media, negative effects of social media on health, negative effects of social media on youths, negative effects of social media on students,
